She Speaks
A poetry circle for women who love women and words. Create, share, express, discuss, inspire, relate, interpret...
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Self love
Today I am going to love myself
Be gentle with myself
Forgive myself
Hold myself
Comfort myself
I'm going to embrace myself, my growth areas and raise myself up
Today I will feel good in my skin
Protect myself
Let my guard down
Today I will enjoy the time I have with myself
I will be kind to myself
Hold myself in high esteem
I will relish in my strengths and celebrate them
Today I will step into myself, let go of negativity and be nothing, but myself
Today I will love the woman I'm become
Today I will believe I am worthy of love, unconditionally
Today I will believe that I am a good person
Today I will bask in my own goodness
I will let my light shine
I will open my heart and let the goodness pour out
Today I will fall inlove
With me
Friday, June 17, 2011
Soar with me
Soar With Me ...
as my fingers trace the curve around your breast,
your flesh rises like an exotic flower about to bloom.
I feel your excitement mounting as I slowly trail
down to the soft mound below your belly
I gently tease, kiss your thighs and secret places, lightly licking
your body moves in gentle rhythms
snake-like across the sheets, inviting me to share your secrets
swollen lips I gently part, a flower yearning for the sun,
honey dripped in it's wetness.
you take me in and moan my name and wildly ride the waves
I have found the holy altar,
your secret center place,
goddess jewel filled with love.
your soul unfolds in passionate pleasure,
ecstatic rapture in your frenzy.
bassarid revels cannot compare,
your wild nature erupts and you are lost in total surrender.
you leave this moment taken to rapturous places
soaring in spirit, touching Goddess
lost in yourself your spirit divine, I take you to my holy place.
come with me, my Goddess Woman,
soar on my gift of pleasure.
ride the wind to unknown places
touch Her face and know Her joy,
a Goddess Flower unfolded
Friday, June 10, 2011
How to write powerful Affirmations
The first step in creating powerful affirmations is to decide specifically what you want.
Think about the major areas of life:
Self-esteem~ Health~ Wealth~ Career~ Relationships
Take some time to make a list of what you want in each area.
Examples: Self-esteem: I want to accept myself completely. I want to be more
self-confident in social situations. I want to express myself more effectively.
Health: I want to exercise regularly. I want to heal ________.
Wealth: I want to increase my income. I want to have R______ in my savings account within six months.
Career: I'd like to be in a career where I feel fulfilled. I want to know my life purpose.
Relationships: I want to improve my current relationship by communicating better.
I want more friends. I want a better relationship with my parents.
As you list what you want, be as specific as you can! A friend of mine was doing
affirmations for job interviews, and she got the interviews but no job! She had to change
the affirmation to having a job interview that led to her getting hired. I've used
affirmations to create the wonderful career I have now as an author, trainer, and workshop
leader; to increase my income dramatically; to heal some health challenges; and to attract
a fantastic relationship. And so can you, once you know the principles and practice them
Another part of creating great affirmations that will change your life is to be AWARE
of how you are talking about those areas now. For the next few days, notice how you think
and speak about these different areas. Do you hear yourself telling friends that you "never
have enough money" or "there are no good men/women out there" or "I hate my job."
What you say and think is continually attracting situations and people to you. If you continue
to talk about what you DON'T want, what you DO want is kept away! Even though
you may not have what you want in several areas of your life right now, you can
begin simply by thinking "I am on a wonderful path of self-discovery and learning
how life works. From now on, I do my best to think and speak positively." So,
you can say to yourself and tell your friends, "I'm getting better at managing my
money" or "I'm confident there is a good relationship for me" or "Right now, this is
the job I'm in, so I'll do my best. That way, I'll be ready for the better job when it
shows up!"
Over the next few days, DECIDE what you want in different areas of
your life, and BE AWARE of how you think and talk about those areas now.
Remember, the Cosmic Kitchen WANTS to bring you everything you desire,
but you need to be specific.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Sacred Yoni Ritual
The desire aroused by seeing the Yoni never dies. The Yoni is named the mysterious female, and the doorway of the mysterious female is the base from which heaven and earth sprang.
It is there with us all the while. Draw upon it as you will, it never runs dry.
Her lap is the holy altar, her hair, the sacred grass, the lips of her Yoni are the fire in the middle.
"Imagine that your body is in the form of the Wisdom Goddess, naked, and with hair flowing. Imagine yourself as her, in the center of an emergence of light, holding an elixir bowl close to her heart and garlanded with red flowers.
Think to yourself that the Goddess enters you through your open Yoni and resides in your heart.
Then imagine the Wisdom Goddess above the crown of your head, having just shared in the act of love, she is naked, with disheveled hair, and her Yoni is moist and overflowing with sexual secretions.
Her eyes are filled with erotic emotion and look toward the vast expanse of sky, which as she begins to dance, becomes filled with similar forms of herself."
She hands you a small object. She places it in your hand.
It is pink and lovely. You look closely and behold the sacred Yoni – the divine symbol of woman – the Holy Altar of Life.
This symbol is a gift – a gift to share passed though to you from our Sister Patt, lovingly crafted with her hands - offered as a gift of love.
It is ours to use as magical connector – something that will make manifest our Sisterhood.
This symbol is to be used as a link – if you need to send energy to a Sister – or wish to receive – speak your words, send a request on the list, and we will all share through this link, sending and receiving.
Let us all now bless and consecrate our symbols of this connection.
Take the small Yoni symbol in your hand, touch it to your third eye and say these words…
I bless and consecrate this Yoni with the gift of my all seeing eye – with my wisdom vision that I may see clearly my Sister and share my love.
Now, place the Yoni close to your heart and say these words …
I bless this Yoni with the gift of my love, may it flow from me to my Sisters, when it is most needed.
Now place the Yoni at the solar plexus and say these words.
I share the power of my will so that we may all be empowered with strength of purpose.
And finally, place the Yoni symbol close to your own Yoni, your own sacred Altar and say these words …
This is my powerful center of creation, my own life giving force. My holy sacred Altar! When I choose to share of this energy, it is a gift given freely - never taken but given in love.
May the power of creation bless and consecrate this symbol for holy use, as I freely choose.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
PDA's, where do you stand?
I say, do it! Love should be free and uninhibited. But, be careful and monitor your own safety. Its actually disgusting, that we as lesbian women, have to consider others before just grabbing our partners hand, or kissing her in public. I believe also, that PDA's add to the consciousness of society. When you hold her hand, or kiss her in the mall, you are an activist. Living your life out and proud, makes you an activist. Aluta Continua!
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