She Speaks Collective

She Speaks Collective
For women who love women and words

Friday, June 10, 2011

How to write powerful Affirmations

The first step in creating powerful affirmations is to decide specifically what you want.
Think about the major areas of life:
Self-esteem~ Health~ Wealth~ Career~ Relationships

Take some time to make a list of what you want in each area.
Examples: Self-esteem: I want to accept myself completely. I want to be more
self-confident in social situations. I want to express myself more effectively.
Health: I want to exercise regularly. I want to heal ________.
Wealth: I want to increase my income. I want to have R______ in my savings account within six months.
Career: I'd like to be in a career where I feel fulfilled. I want to know my life purpose.
Relationships: I want to improve my current relationship by communicating better.
I want more friends. I want a better relationship with my parents.

As you list what you want, be as specific as you can! A friend of mine was doing
affirmations for job interviews, and she got the interviews but no job! She had to change
the affirmation to having a job interview that led to her getting hired. I've used
affirmations to create the wonderful career I have now as an author, trainer, and workshop
leader; to increase my income dramatically; to heal some health challenges; and to attract
a fantastic relationship. And so can you, once you know the principles and practice them

Another part of creating great affirmations that will change your life is to be AWARE
of how you are talking about those areas now. For the next few days, notice how you think
and speak about these different areas. Do you hear yourself telling friends that you "never
have enough money" or "there are no good men/women out there" or "I hate my job."
What you say and think is continually attracting situations and people to you. If you continue
to talk about what you DON'T want, what you DO want is kept away! Even though
you may not have what you want in several areas of your life right now, you can
begin simply by thinking "I am on a wonderful path of self-discovery and learning
how life works. From now on, I do my best to think and speak positively." So,
you can say to yourself and tell your friends, "I'm getting better at managing my
money" or "I'm confident there is a good relationship for me" or "Right now, this is
the job I'm in, so I'll do my best. That way, I'll be ready for the better job when it
shows up!"

Over the next few days, DECIDE what you want in different areas of
your life, and BE AWARE of how you think and talk about those areas now.
Remember, the Cosmic Kitchen WANTS to bring you everything you desire,
but you need to be specific.

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