She Speaks Collective

She Speaks Collective
For women who love women and words

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Self love

Today I am going to love myself
Be gentle with myself
Forgive myself
Hold myself
Comfort myself
I'm going to embrace myself, my growth areas and raise myself up

Today I will feel good in my skin
Protect myself
Let my guard down

Today I will enjoy the time I have with myself
I will be kind to myself
Hold myself in high esteem
I will relish in my strengths and celebrate them

Today I will step into myself, let go of negativity and be nothing, but myself

Today I will love the woman I'm become

Today I will believe I am worthy of love, unconditionally

Today I will believe that I am a good person

Today I will bask in my own goodness
I will let my light shine
I will open my heart and let the goodness pour out

Today I will fall inlove
With me

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