She Speaks Collective

She Speaks Collective
For women who love women and words

Friday, June 17, 2011

Soar with me

Soar With Me ...

as my fingers trace the curve around your breast,
your flesh rises like an exotic flower about to bloom.
I feel your excitement mounting as I slowly trail
down to the soft mound below your belly
I gently tease, kiss your thighs and secret places, lightly licking
your body moves in gentle rhythms
snake-like across the sheets, inviting me to share your secrets
swollen lips I gently part, a flower yearning for the sun,
honey dripped in it's wetness.

you take me in and moan my name and wildly ride the waves
I have found the holy altar,
your secret center place,
goddess jewel filled with love.
your soul unfolds in passionate pleasure,
ecstatic rapture in your frenzy.

bassarid revels cannot compare,
your wild nature erupts and you are lost in total surrender.
you leave this moment taken to rapturous places
soaring in spirit, touching Goddess
lost in yourself your spirit divine, I take you to my holy place.
come with me, my Goddess Woman,
soar on my gift of pleasure.
ride the wind to unknown places
touch Her face and know Her joy,
a Goddess Flower unfolded

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